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Did You Hear That? Help for Children Who Hear Voices

Did You Hear That? Help for Children Who Hear Voices

$23.80 Regular Price
$19.80Sale Price

Did You Hear That? Help for Children Who Hear Voices is about five very different children who share one thing in common — hearing voices and seeing things that are not there.


Susie is a 9-year-old who keeps her challenges with auditory and visual hallucinations a secret until a teacher alerts her parents of her difficulties at school. With compassion, empathy, love and understanding, Susie's parents encourage her to see a counselor. Susie builds trust and rapport with her counselor, which finally allows her to share her well-guarded secret. After divulging what has been troubling her for years, with her counselor's help, she discovers that she is not the only one in the world who struggles with voices.


Susie then introduces readers to four other children of different ethnicities, ages, backgrounds, talents and interests who also hear voices. All of the children share with readers their challenges with voices and personal life circumstances that contributed to them hearing voices. Then they go on to speak about their personal choices regarding what role they want voices to have in their lives and how counselors helped them achieve their individual goals.


Did You Hear That? is a beautifully illustrated practical therapeutic storybook for psychologists, psychiatrists and mental health practitioners treating children with auditory and visual hallucinations. While it normalizes the experience and assists children in seeking professional help, it is also an easy to understand and user-friendly guide for concerned parents, teachers, pediatricians and allied health professionals.


The One-Legged Pirate
Cackling Witch, Hissing Dragon
The Squabbler
The Invisible Bully
I Miss You, Mommy
Managing Voices


Pages: 160

Readership: Psychologists, psychiatrists and mental health practitioners treating children with auditory and visual hallucinations. Also for concerned parents, teachers, pediatricians and allied professionals to understand, normalize the experience and assist children in seeking professional help.

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