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Mideer Drawing Coloring Book (80 Pictures)

Mideer Drawing Coloring Book (80 Pictures)


MiDeer Drawing Coloring Book:
1) Basic cognitive picture books
2) 2 themes available - Boy (Blue) / Girl (Pink)
3) Large-paper edition, free to draw (25cm x 23cm)
4) Soft wood-free paper, clear and easy to color. Suitable to use color pencils / markets / crayons / chalks.
5) Printed with food-grade soybean oil ink. Clear and no fading.


Boy (Blue) - The Adventures of Hot Air Balloon
Cultivate boys' bravery and imagination by using dinosaurs and robots


Girl (Pink) - The Party of Pink Bubbles
Let girls feel warm and happy by using flowers and animals


Wander in the geometric world, meet beautiful graphics. The vivid patterns are made up of triangles, circles, square, lines and other graphics. These helps to cultivate children's color perception.

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